set yourself up for success
Learn how to look after yourself during your menopause and beyond.

Wouldn’t it be great if…
You knew why you’re gaining extra weight around your tummy.
You knew why you feel like crap a lot of the time.
You understood why you're not seeing the results you used to.
You looked in the mirror and you liked what you saw.
You felt confident that you were doing all you could now to ensure you stayed fit and well for when you are in your 70s.
You understood why you were craving certain foods, and knew how to manage those cravings.
You understood the impact your peri/menopause has on you physically and mentally.
You knew how to manage your peri/menopause symptoms.
What makes 'Manoeuvring through your Menopause' different?
'Manoeuvring through your Menopause' is the only 6-week programme that teaches you how to look after yourself through your menopause and beyond..
By the end of ‘Manoeuvring through your Menopause’ you will...
Understand how the menopause impacts your health and fitness.
Understand why your normal exercise and diet regime isn't working.​
Be able to eat your favourite foods without ‘feeling guilty’.​
Know how to grow old gracefully​.
Understand why you feel the way that you do and be able to do something about it.