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Are you..?

  • feeling a bit meh about yourself, and have been during lockdown?

  • noticing weight gain around your tummy during lockdown?

  • feel nervous about getting back out in the big wide world?

  • think that things seem to be getting on your nerves more than usual?

  • eating your own body weight in Haribo (or bread - which is my thing!)?

  • not able to concentrate like you used to?

  • finding your monthly bleed is going haywire or has stopped completely?


Do you...

  • want to feel better about yourself?

  • want to manage your food cravings and improve your nutrition?

  • want to get into some healthy habits?

  • want to improve your self esteem and self confidence?

  • want to find a fitness regime that you know will work for you, and that you will stick to?

Then this 4-week kick start programme to weight loss and wellness is for you!​


We know lockdown has been tough. And especially for us ladies who's hormones are raging, our periods have gone hay wire, we've been trying to home school our kids, look after a home and get through our day job!


Phew! It's no wonder we've not had any time (or energy!) to look after ourselves!


You're not on your own!

I have designed this 4-week programme to kick start your self esteem and get you back to looking after you as we move out of lockdown.


Who it's for:

Ladies over 40, or who know they are in early menopause.

let's have a chat.

1:1 consultations
coming soon...

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