Is this you?
You don't like the way you look.
You can't fit into your favourite jeans.
You're having rubbish sleeps.
You're 'being good' with your food, then eating your own body weight in biscuits (and feeling guilty about it).
You can't be bothered exercising (even tho' you know you should)
What worked before does work now.
You're just not feeling yourself now you're over 40.
So you have a quiet word with yourself and...
you start exercising like a demon or
you restrict your food intake or
you join a slimming group.
You follow it for a while then life gets in the way and…
you miss a workout as you've had a crap night's sleep or
you eat your own body weight in biscuits because you had a bad day at work or
you end up working late and miss a 'slimming group' meeting.
You beat yourself up and feel guilty for failing again because…
You don’t always feel like exercising or
You’re fed up of missing out on your favourite foods or
You can't be bothered to go to a slimming club meeting every week for a weigh in because you haven’t been ‘good’ this week and don’t want to see that number on the scale or
You’ve had a crap night’s sleep, woken up exhausted, been running round all day like a blue-arsed fly, ended up getting a takeaway and couldn’t be bothered to exercise.
You decide ‘I’ll get back on it on Monday’.
Monday comes and goes and nothing happens, and then you then spend the next few days/weeks/months feeling like crap because…
you’ve no motivation.
you’re sick of ‘being on a diet’.
no matter what you do, it doesn’t work.
you don’t know why you don’t care enough to make a change for good.
you feel like you just can’t commit to anything.
you think life is too short to not eat what you want.
Then you try on a pair of trousers that you haven’t worn for a while, and they don’t fit.
So you decide “I really need to sort this out once and for all. I'm really going to do it this time!” so you decide to “start on Monday” then stuff your face over the weekend.
Then Monday comes and…
you start exercising like a demon or
you restrict your food intake or
you re-join a slimming group.
And then you follow it for a while then life gets in the way and…
Well you know what happens next don’t you? The cycle just continues….
It’s time to break that cycle!

So if you want to...
​Get your head in the right space to achieve your health and fitness goals.
Stay consistent and focused on your health and fitness journey, even when life throws you curve ball.
Understand what your barriers are and finding ways to overcome them.
Get to grips with your hormones.
Understand what is happening to your body now you're getting older and look after it.
Learn about your relationship with food and remove the guilt.
Use exercise to improve your health and fitness.
This is what makes fitclubwithel different.
So if you're female, and want to make that change to your health and fitness for good, then contact me to book in for a FREE video 30-minute consultation.