Goal Setting Step #4
Set out HOW you will achieve your behaviour-based goals (your intentions).
The next step is to set the specific details of how you will achieve your behaviour-based goals – your intentions.
In other words, “In order to do x, I will do y and z.”
For this step it’s important to be as specific and detailed as possible.
Using Sara-Jo as an example:
Her outcome-based goal is to lose 20lbs over the course of a year.
She is a clear on her ‘why’ and on ‘how’ achieving this goal will enhance her life.
She has the time, resources, and energy to work toward this goal, and she is willing to focus her attention on it.
Her two behaviour-based goals are to:
Eat at least one serving of vegetables with at least five dinners per week
Walk on her lunch break at work three times per week.
Now it’s time for her to set out how (her intentions) she will achieve her behaviour-based goals. For example, her intentions might be the following:
"In order to eat veggies with at least five meals per week, I’ll stop at the supermarket on my way home from work at 5:00 pm on Mondays and Thursdays and as soon as I get home, I’ll spend the next 20 minutes batch cooking veggies.”
“I’ll walk on my lunch break on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and I’ll keep a pair of trainers, a spare coat, and gloves in my office at work so that I’m prepared for the colder weather.”
Your intentions could be very different depending on your behaviour-based goals, what feel like easy wins for you, and what you’re willing to start doing right now. Once you’ve identified your intentions, make sure that they are realistic and will actually work with your schedule.
Complete the 'Goal Setting Form' below.
You will refer to these on a weekly basis, as it will be one of your progress checks.
We'll also use them in our 121 catch ups.