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​Is this you?

  • My clothes don’t fit me.

  • I’ve no energy.

  • I’m stressed out.

  • Had another rubbish sleep last night.

  • I can’t stop snacking.

  • I’ve not enough time to exercise.

  • I’m eating my own body weight in <insert the most appropriate food item here>

  • I’m feeling really hormonal.

  • I just feel tired all the time.


How many of those statements can you relate to?
fitclubwithel is a 121 personal service, that will help you...


  • Help to improve your sleep routine.

  • Manage your stress levels.

  • To see food as nutrition rather than just 'good' or 'bad' food.

  • Look at yourself in the mirror and like what you see.

  • Bring in exercise that benefits you both physically, mentally and emotionally.

So if you want to...


  • Get your head in the right space to achieve your health and fitness goals.

  • Stay consistent and focused on your health and fitness journey, even when life throws you curve ball.

  • Understand what your barriers are and finding ways to overcome them.

  • Get to grips with your hormones.

  • Understand what is happening to your body now you're getting older and look after it.

  • Learn about your relationship with food and remove the guilt.

  • Use exercise to improve your health and fitness.

This is what makes fitclubwithel different.

So if you're female, and want to make that change to your health and fitness for good, then contact me to book in for a FREE video 30-minute consultation.

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