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When life throws you a curve ball...

Updated: Oct 19, 2020

When life throws a curve ball then what do you do? Well in my case...pick up that damn ball and run with it!

As we have all experienced, the current COVID situation has meant we've had to make changes in certain area of our lives. And I have had to adapt my health and fitness business to ensure I am still providing the best services I can to my clients.

From the moment gyms closed, I moved my whole fitness business online. Incredibly scary but also a bit exciting - if I'm being totally honest as I do love a challenge! Thankfully, I had an element of my existing business already online - phew! However, it was still a HUGE learning curve for me – using new technology, not seeing my clients face to face, teaching classes to a screen, particularly as I have never been comfortable in front of the camera! But, needs must, and I have relished the time I have had to grow as a business owner and as a person.

So what’s new… With advice, I did a complete overhaul of my business model – I looked at my current set up and what it needed to be moving forward in order to become a sustainable business. With the change to my business model came a new business name. Well, not actually a new name, as it’s been around for nearly 50 years, but one that is very close to my heart (and my birth certificate!). So ‘El Silcock’ is it! It does feel weird to use my own name but so did teaching to a virtual class via Facebook and I soon got used to that!

Supporting peri/menopausal women.

My new business model has also allowed me to introduce a range of services specifically for peri/menopausal women. Something I have been wanting to do for some time now. When talking to women it’s really apparent that they just don’t understand what is happening to them and struggle to get the advice and support they need from their doctor. As a menopausal woman, and a health and fitness coach, I wanted to share my expertise and personal experience, as well as help others who are in this phase of their life. I’m sooooo looking forward to establishing this side of my business and helping ladies during this phase of their life.

fitclubwithel gets a makeover

The re-modelling has also given me the opportunity to give my current fitclubwithel services a makeover. The uptake on online training has really changed the way people train – something which will stay (in my humble opinion). And because I ❤ weight training women, and seeing the benefits this brings not just physically, but mentally as well. Weight training has had an incredibly positive impact on my life, and I want other women to experience that too. And the technology I currently use will help me to do that.

That's one thing that has been noticeable is how tech companies have stepped up and make improvements really quickly during lockdown. It's made my life soooo much easier! Lol!

Driving forward.

So with that curve ball securely under my arm, I am taking things one step at a time. Driving my business forward, trying not to get too overwhelmed by it all, keeping that self-belief (even when those doubts creep in) and making sure I enjoy every damn moment.

A massive shout out to @christina_montalvo for her support and advice. Everyone should have a Christina in their life! ❤



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