Meet Michael
Michael joined my beginners 'Four Weeker' programme to get himself back on the road to health and fitness after a major illness, which forced him to take time out of the gym.
Flexibility and consistency
Michael has an incredibly busy life and had just started a new job when he joined the fitclubwithel Crew. He has got stuck in from day one, and took on board all the advice and information I gave him. He fit his PT sessions around family and work commitments, which is never easy, and showed unwavering determination and enthusiasm at every session.
And his leg press is something to aspire as well - 330kg!!!
Smashing those goals
Michael had a structured training programme for different muscle groups, and brought in regular cardio exercise, biking, rowing or running, on the days he wasn't weight training. Using the fitclubwithel training app to monitor his progress and check in regularly, Michael continued to smash his personal goals every week.
Getting the foundations in place
It’s been fantastic to see Michael get his health and wellbeing foundations in place, which are now a priority in his life.